Motivados por los casos que hemos visto en la práctica clínica de problemas inmunológicos que se presentan o agravan luego de algunas de las vacunaciones y de la nula información que se le da al paciente al realizarse el procedimiento, hemos querido recabar información que pueda sernos de utilidad en un futuro.
domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012
Alimentos transgénicos: sus riesgos
Italia, Suiza, Austria y España han prohibido la venta de vacunas contra la gripe de la compañía farmacéutica suiza Novartis. Pueden existir problemas de seguridad en las mismas… que se suman a su manifiesta inutilidad.
Se sugiere leer estos textos.
Gobierno de España ordena la retirada de dos vacunas contra la gripe de empresa farmacéutica suiza
Archivo AFP
El Gobierno español decidió este jueves retirar de la venta dos vacunas contra la gripe fabricadas por el gigante farmacéutico suizo Novartis, convirtiéndose en el quinto país europeo en hacerlo tras Italia, Suiza, Austria y Alemania.
España "en colaboración con la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos y otras autoridades sanitarias europeas, informa de la inmovilización de todos los ejemplares de las vacunas antigripales estacionales Chiromas y Chiroflu", informó la Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios.
Esta retirada es debida "a la presencia de partículas flotantes blancas en las jeringas precargadas de algunos lotes de las mencionadas vacunas", precisó la agencia en su página web.
Update on seasonal influenza vaccines produced by Novartis Vaccines
European Medicines Agency supports Members States in coordinating action
A number of European Union (EU) Member States have halted the use, as a precautionary measure, of some anti-influenza vaccines manufactured by Novartis Vaccines, because of a suspected quality defect.
The Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) was first informed of the suspected quality defect by the manufacturer (Novartis Vaccines) located in Italy. The Italian authorities took prompt precautionary action and AIFA alerted all other Member States, the European Commission and the European Medicines Agency using the established mechanisms.
These regulatory actions are precautionary, since so far there is no indication that this suspected quality defect has any impact on the safety or efficacy of the vaccines in question.
The European Medicines Agency has no formal legal role in this case, as the products are nationally authorised, but is taking a supporting role by bringing expertise from the network together to assist AIFA and the authorities in the other Member States.
AIFA is taking the lead on behalf of the EU in investigating the suspected quality defect in order to determine whether it affects the safety and efficacy of these vaccines, and whether the affected batches should be permanently removed from the market. The suspected defect involves the aggregation of proteins that are a normal part of the vaccines.
All Member States will evaluate the impact of the potential unavailability of the batches in question on their seasonal influenza vaccination programmes, which are an important public-health activity at this time of year.
The Agency and the Member States continue to monitor the situation.
Riesgos Vs beneficios de la vacuna contra el cáncer del cerviz uterino
El uso obligatorio de la vacuna contra el
papovavirus presupone que todas las mujeres o al menos sus esposos son
El uso obligatorio de la vacuna, atenta contra
nuestro derecho inalienable de tener la posibilidad de escoger, con el
agravante de que no se ha demostrado que la vacuna sea eficaz en contra del cáncer
del cérviz uterino. Se han reportado efectos secundarios serios e inclusive
muertes y un grupo de investigadores plantea la posibilidad
de que la vacuna pueda ser mas bien un inductor a la aparición del cáncer de cérvix
en mujeres consideradas de riesgo normal. Ya es hora de que nos
informemos bien en la toma de decisiones tan importantes y no se nos coarte la
posibilidad de decidir si se vacuna o no.
Sin embargo se abre una esperanza para aquellas personas en los que se detectan papilomas y otras lesiones precancerosas del cervix uterino. Se investiga el diseño de una vacuna que aplicada en estas personas, es capaz de inducir que el sistema inmune ataque estas lesiones y las destruya, ver la cita bibliográfica siguiente:
Immunotherapy Against HPV16/18 Generates Potent TH1 and Cytotoxic Cellular Immune Responses.
Bagarazzi ML, Yan J, Morrow MP, Shen X, Parker RL, Lee JC, Giffear M, Pankhong P, Khan AS, Broderick KE, Knott C, Lin F, Boyer JD, Draghia-Akli R, White CJ,Kim JJ, Weiner DB, Sardesai NY.
Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc., 1787 Sentry Parkway West, Building 18, Suite 400, Blue Bell, PA 19422, USA.
Fuente. Pub Med
Adjunto párrafos de publicaciones sobre los riesgos de la vacuna contra el papova virus:
Merck utiliza los medios: - ponen cientos de
remunerados en twitter y en los cables de noticias para
las palabras: " La vacuna contra el VPH no causa
que las niñas tengan más
relaciones sexuales". Las Ventas
se les deben haber disminuido...
Intentan hacerlo parecer como si fuera
sólo los fanáticos
religiosos los que se oponen a esta perjudicial vacuna.
"Una revisión sistemática de ensayos de la vacuna del VPH
demuestra que su
eficacia no es sólo exagerada (mediante
el uso selectivo de informes o de los
métodos de recolección
de datos) pero no incluyen otros datos de mediados de
agosto de 2012, VAERS ha recibido 119 informes de muerte
tras la vacunación
contra VPH. Otros eventos adversos
incluyen: 894 informes de incapacidad y 517
informes de
eventos adversos que ponen en peligro la vida de las
anormalidades cervicales y cáncer de cuello
uterino que ocurren cuatro o cinco
años después de la
vacunación contra el VPH y que han aumentado rápidamente
entre el 2011 Estudio a gran escala de VPH 2012ª. el estudio
de HPV a gran
escala divulgó que la vacuna HPV redujo
infecciones HPV-16 en menos del 0.6 %
en vacunadas. Las
infecciones por HPH fueron diagnosticadas en mujeres
vacunadas hasta en un 6 % más que en las mujeres no
vacunadas consideradas mujeres de alto riesgo y la tasa
aumentada de infecciones por los tipos de HPV cancerígenos
en mujeres vacunadas ha sido 4-10 veces más alto que la
reducción de
infecciones por HPV 16/18 El cuerpo humano
no necesita de las vacunas
medio de prevención. " (T.Kulpinski CBHC BCHC)
Conoce los riesgos, educar
antes que vacunar. Su salud. Su
familia. Su
Merck went on a media
feeding frenzy - they put hundreds
of paid reps on twitter and on the news
wires to spread the
word: "HPV vaccine does not cause girls to have more
Sales must be down markedly… They are trying to make it
look like it is only religious fanatics that oppose this
vaccine. "A systematic review of pre- and post-licensure trials
the HPV vaccine shows that its effectiveness is not only
overstated (through
the use of selective reporting or “cherry
picking” data) but also completely
unprovenAs of mid-
August 2012, VAERS has received 119 reports of death
following HPV vaccination. Reported adverse events also
include: 894 reports of
disability and 517 life-threatening
adverse eventsAdverse events reports of
abnormalities and cervical cancer are occurring four to five
after HPV vaccination, and have rapidly increased
between 2011 and 2012A
large-scale HPV study reported
HPV vaccine reduced HPV-16 infections by a mere
0.6% in
vaccinated versus unvaccinated womenHigh-risk HPV
infections were
diagnosed in vaccinated women up to more
than 6% more frequently than in
unvaccinated women, and
the increased rate of infections by carcinogenic HPV
types in
vaccinated women has been found to be 4-10 times higher
than the
reduction of HPV 16/18 infections The human body
is NOT deficient in vaccines
as a means of prevention."
(T.Kulpinski CBHC BCHC) Know the risks, educate
you vaccinate. Your health. Your family. Your choice!
Vacuna VPH:
GlaxoSmithKline, Cervarix y su campaña criminal contra la mujer
La firma
GlaxoSmithKline, fabricante de Cervarix, debió
interrumpir su campaña
publicitaria por exagerar las
propiedades preventivas de su vacuna e ignorar
recomendaciones de la OMS(Organización Mundial de la
Salud). La falsa vacuna contra el
virus del papiloma
humano protagonizó una polémica campaña publicitaria en
México que, por disposición de las autoridades oficiales,
debió interrumpir la
transnacional GlaxoSmithKline.
Especialistas en cáncer cérvico-uterino y
sanitarias la juzgaron de "chantajista",
"falta de ética" y
"riesgosa por desinformar a la
población", en tanto que
sus anuncios televisivos y en salas de cines
violaron los
Reglamentos de las Leyes de Salud en Materia de
Publicidad, por
exagerar las propiedades preventivas,
ignorando también recomendaciones
de la OMS.
La UE revisa las
incidencias con la vacuna del virus del papiloma humano
El reciente fallecimiento de una joven en Asturias
que había recibido la vacuna del Virus del Papiloma Humano (VHP) ha reabierto
la polémica sobre este fármaco que ahora vuelve a revisar el Comité de
Evaluación de Riesgos en Farmacovigilancia Europeo a instancias de la Agencia
Española del Medicamento.
10/10/2012, Lucía Argos Continua:
Therapeutic Vaccine Shows Potential in Fighting Cervical Cancer
Published: October 10, 2012
In a small, preliminary study, an experimental vaccine provoked a strong immune response against precancerous cells in women treated for cervical lesions that can progress to cancer.
· Health Guide: Cervical Cancer
Most cases of cervical cancer are caused by infection with two types ofhuman papillomavirus, or HPV. Some women who have precancerous cervical lesions associated with the Type 16 and Type 18 strains of HPV are able to fight them off without medical intervention. They do so by producing high levels of immune cells called killer T-cells.
The experimental drug, called VGX-3100, is a therapeutic vaccine using synthetic DNA that is intended to work in patients who have abnormal precancerous changes in the cervix. It is not related to preventive vaccines meant to protect against infection with HPV. The experimental vaccine attempts to harness the human immune system to fight disease: Similar to gene therapy, the drug inserts a piece of DNA into a patient’s cells to produce a protein that primes the immune system to attack HPV-altered cells.
“Our immune system is capable of protecting us from millions of pathogens,” said J. Joseph Kim, president and chief executive of Inovio Pharmaceuticals, maker of the experimental vaccine. “We want to use the existing hardware in our immune system, but use better software to train our immune system to fight off disease.”
martes, 9 de octubre de 2012
Dudas sobre la efectividad y efectos secundarios de la vacuna contra el virus del papiloma humano.
A raíz de la muerte de una joven luego de haber sido vacunada contra el papiloma humano, se replantean las dudas sobre su efectividad en la prevención del cáncer del cervix uterino y de los efectos secundarios reportados por algunas pacientes.
La UE revisa las incidencias con la vacuna del virus del papiloma humano
Vitaminas C y D pueden ayudarle a evitar la influenza
Editor's comment: It is observed that taking high doses of vitamin D and vitamin C may help prevent influenza virus. For healthy people, influenza virus poses little to none of death risk. Occasional viral infections can keep your immunity strong and active just as physical exercise helps maintain physical strength.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
By Barbara Loe Fisher
Editor's comment: It is observed that taking high doses of vitamin D and vitamin C may help prevent influenza virus. For healthy people, influenza virus poses little to none of death risk. Occasional viral infections can keep your immunity strong and active just as physical exercise helps maintain physical strength.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
By Barbara Loe Fisher
It's that time of the year again when drug companies, doctors, government officials and media conduct a national advertising campaign to sell flu shots to every American.1, 2, 3 You can't pass by a pharmacy,4 enter a supermarket,5shop in a "big box" store6 or catch a plane7 without seeing the "flu shots for sale" signs trolling for customers.The pharmaceutical industry is cutting out the M.D. middleman and going straight for the gold in places where we shop for toothpaste, clothes and food.8Even on the evening news, flu shot commercials are becoming as frequent as political campaign ads.Up until the year 2000, flu shots were not recommended for everyone. Back in the 1990's, doctors were telling seniors over age 65 and younger people with chronic illness to get vaccinated. 9
Death toll at 11 as authorities race to find 13,000 possibly at risk of fungal meningitis through tainted syringes
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Federal and state health officials are racing against the clock to track down as many as 13,000 people who may have received tainted back-pain injection suspected in a fatal outbreak of fungal meningitis.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control said state health departments are working closely with clinics to contact the patients “through letters, emails, phone calls – you name it.”
At least 119 people have been sickened with meningitis and/or strokes, and 11 of those have died, according to the CDC. Current numbers do not reflect patients who may have received the shots for pain unrelated to the back – for example, some patients may have received shots due to neck, knee and shoulder pain.
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Asma Bronquial y reacción a las vacunas
The Decision To Vaccinate Is for Parents Not Government to Make
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